Ask for a Copy of the Attack Investigation

For the longest time many Americans have claimed that the US government has conducted an investigation of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.

A Member of Congress has even gone to the extreme of recommending a constituent consider the Jewish Virtual Library as an authoritative source about US government investigations of the attack.

In a recent letter to a USS Liberty survivor, Senator John Barrasso (R-CO) writes:

“I noted your interest in the attack against the USS Liberty in 1967. This tragic attack has been the subject of ten U.S. investigations from 1967 through 1982. We are forever grateful for the incredible sacrifices made by our service members and their families. We honor them for their patriotism and for their willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. They paid the price for our nation’s freedom, independence, and peace. Below, I have included a link where you can find more information on the USS Liberty investigations and each investigation’s findings.”

He then gives this USS Liberty survivor the URL of the Jewish Virtual Library to direct him to more information about the US government investigations of the attack.

We need to educate Members of Congress to the fact that the US government has never conducted an investigation of the attack on our ship.

Please email your Congressional Delegation and ask them to send you a copy of the Congressional investigation of the attack.

Then email them again and have them instruct the Congressional Research Service to send you a copy of the US government investigation of the attack.

Finally, email the Historians of both the US House and US Senate and ask them to send you a copy of the Congressional investigation of the attack.