“. . . our nation is indebted to the brave men and women in uniform — and their families — who sacrificed blood and treasure to answer the call of their country. Their sacrifice should never be forgotten.” Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX27) Email 8/20/2021

by Joe Meadors

Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX27)
Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX27)

I will be the first to admit that in creating the title for this blog post I am taking the position of my Congressman—Michael Cloud (R-TX27)—grossly out of context.

Indeed, it is exactly opposite what his position is.

Not only his, but a position proudly held by every Member of Congress who served during the attack as well as every Member of Congress who has served since the attack.

The USS Liberty Veterans Association represents the survivors of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, our families and the families of 34 of our shipmates who were killed in action during that attack.

Among the awards won by the officers and crew of the USS Liberty are the Medal of Honor, two Navy Crosses, eleven Silver Stars, twenty Bronze Stars, nine Navy Commendations, 208 Purple Hearts, 294 Combat Action Ribbons, the Presidential Unit Citation and the Battle Efficiency “E” which makes the USS Liberty the most decorated ship in US Navy history for a single event since the end of World War II.

A dubious honorific the attack on our ship has is it is the only attack on a US Navy ship since the end of World War II NOT investigated by Congress.

The Congressional Research Service took that considerably further when they told us their research did not reveal a single US government investigation of the attack.

CRS Response to Congressional Investigation of USS Liberty Attack
CRS Response to Congressional Investigation of USS Liberty Attack

An attack on a US Navy ship warrants a complete and comprehensive public investigation.
Evermoreso given the fact that not only War Crimes but a capital violation of Article 99 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and a violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War Crimes were committed during that attack.

Most Americans share our concern that the US government has not investigated the attack and want to know what they can do to ensure not only the attack is investigated but also the refusal of the US government to investigate the attack.

The simple answer is to Click Here to send a letter to your Congressional Delegation telling them to investigate the attack.

In doing so, you will be a participant in US Navy History. No other crew of a US Navy ship had to lobby the US government to investigate the attack on their ship.

Welcome to everyone who becomes a participant in USS Liberty history. You are joining with a crew that does not know the meaning of defeat.

On June 8, 1967, we defeated the most powerful military in the Middle East.

We now set our sights on defeating an uncaring Congress. You’re invited to join with us.