Sen. John Cornyn Changes His Tune

by Joe Meadors

We have achieved a level of success.  Congress is slowly changing its USS Liberty boilerplate.

Our effort to make it clear that neither Congress specifically nor the US government in general has conducted an investigation of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty has gotten some traction among those who draft Congressional boilerplates.

Previously, Members of Congress would ignore the questions about the USS Liberty that were asked and replied by claiming that the attack has been investigated, Israel was completely absolved, and the US has no interest in conducting another investigation.

This even if inquiries were made by USS Liberty Survivors.

If you haven’t asked for a copy of the investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty, please do so now.  Click here, here and here.  You will be sending emails to your Congressional Delegation and to the Historians of both the US House and US Senate asking them to send you a copy of the investigation of the attack on our ship.

In their response, they should tell you they cannot find any.

You can read the letter I recently received from Senator John Cornyn where  he didn’t refer to any investigation but he did try to divert my attention to some other USS Liberty information.

To which I replied:

The Honorable John Cornyn
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Cornyn:

Thank you for your letter of July 11, 2019.

We appreciate your providing us with the URL of the NSA website containing USS Liberty documents.

If you will visit that page you will notice a document titled, “Station has voice tapes.”  We have repeatedly requested the NSA to provide us with a copy of the voice tapes referenced in that message.

The NSA has refused to provide us with a copy of the voice tapes even to the extent of telling us that any future FOIA requests from us will simply be ignored by the NSA.

Could you obtain a copy of the referenced voice tapes and send them to me?

Also, my request that elicited your July 11th  letter was to have you provide us with a copy of the Congressional investigation of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and to contact the Congressional Research Service and request that they provide us with a copy of the US government investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty.

That request remains outstanding.

Can I anticipate receiving a copy of those investigations soon?

Warmest regards,

Joe Meadors
USS Liberty Survivor
Director of Operations, USS Liberty Veterans Association