USS Liberty Revisionism: It Started With a Lie
USS Liberty Revisionism: It Started With a Lie In June 1997 (the 30th anniversary of the attack), retired US Navy JAG officer A. Jay Cristol submitted his dissertation, The Liberty Incident, to the Faculty of the University of Miami in partial fulfillment of the...
USS Liberty: The Pain Continues — An Unanswered Letter to Sen. Warner
[The following is the text of a letter written by the widow of one of the Americans killed during the Israeli attack on USS Liberty. It was addressed to Senator John Warner. The Senator apparently did not feel the subject important enough to warrant a reply - as no...
America’s Highest Ranking Naval Officer Admiral Thomas Moorer Rejects the Israeli Excuse
America's Highest Ranking Naval Officer Admiral Thomas Moorer Rejects the Israeli Excuse MEMORANDUM: From: Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Subject: Attack on the USS Liberty June 8, 1967 Date: June 8, 1997 I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case...
Press Release: American Legion Demands USS Liberty Attack Investigation-Please Forward
For immediate release Contact: Email: Tel:916-913-9460 Ernest Gallo, President of the Liberty Veterans Association: Tel: 386-446-6855 American Legion calls for full investigation into Israel's attack on the USS Liberty In a historic move,...
USS Liberty Survivor Robert (Budda) Schnell — RIP Dear Friend
USS Liberty Survivor Robert (Budda) Schnell -- RIP Dear Friend Schnell, Robert J. Robert (Budda) Schnell, 74, of Scappoose, Oregon, passed away on September 15,2017, after an extended Illness. While he spent many years living living in La Grande, Ore., he was raised...
USS Liberty: Why Another Inquiry
[This is an updated version of an article that originally appeared in the USS Liberty Inquiry website] USS Liberty: Why Another Inquiry The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional...
USS Liberty Makes History at American Legion Convention
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 21, 2017 Contact: Bryce Lockwood USS Liberty Veterans Association Phone: 417-848-3858 Email: Contact: Ernie Gallo USS Liberty Veterans Association Phone: 386-446-4855 Email: USS...
American Legion Passes Historic USS Liberty Resolution
RESOLUTION National Headquarters, The American Legion Ninety-Ninth Annual National Convention, Reno, Nevada August 22, 23, 24, 2017 WHEREAS, on June 8, 1967, while operating in support of the National Security Agency (NSA) in international waters, properly marked as...
In a July 6, 1967 NYT Article, an Israeli Claims to Have Been on One of the Torpedo Boats That Attacked the USS Liberty [Annotated]
His ignorance of the specifics of the attack raises doubts he was there. I've heard of wannabes but this is the first I've heard of a War Criminal wannabe. The following article was written for The Associated Press by Micha Limor, described as an Israeli naval...
“DoD Owes Families, Nation Information on Niger Action” but NOT on USS Liberty Attack—UPDATE
by Joe Meadors, USS Liberty Survivor As of this writing it has been 18,419 days since the attack on the USS Liberty. This translates to 50 years, 5 month and 3 days. And still no investigation in sight. According to a November 8th press release, DoD will be sending...