Justice for the Liberty (Documentary) – DVD Format



Justice for the Liberty-An All American Documentary, by Break of Dawn Productions

This DVD presents the little known human interest side of the most explosive military & political controversy of the last half century, as told by those who survived it.

Israel’s 1967 summer of love surprise attack on the US Navy’s top spy ship killed 34 Sailors, wounded another 171, and quickly became the stuff of controversy, forgotten legends full of top medals awarded in secret, silenced support from the highest levels of governmental, military, and clandestine organizations, along with wide ranging conspiracy theories supported by fringe elements pushing their own agendas by way of the Liberty’s ordeal. Taught at the US Naval Academy as a prime example of true American grit, and encased in the US Naval and NSA/Cryptologic Museums, it remains the only attack on a Navy ship NOT investigated by Congress and further consigned to the dustbins of yesteryear with every passing year, despite being the most highly decorated US Navy ship for a single event in all of American history.