Members of Congress Still Lie to USS Liberty Survivors About the Attack on Their Ship
by Joe Meadors
It’s been what? Over 50 years? And Members of Congress are still lying about the attack on the USS Liberty.
Not only lying about the attack but lying about the attack to us — to our face. To the ones who were actually on the ship during the attack.
Where do these lies come from? A self-described expert on the USS Liberty who wrote a book telling our story without bothering to interview a single USS Liberty survivor.
Yes, it’s true. Members of Congress accept without question lies told by a retired US Navy Captain who wrote a book about the USS Liberty incident without interviewing a single USS Liberty survivor.
What brought on this latest episode of the Litany of Lies from Members of Congress and how can you get lied to by your Congressional Delegation?
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Congressman Charles Albert “Dutch” Ruppersberger III (D-MD2)
And you’ll get a response like the one sent by Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD-2nd District) to a USS Liberty Survivor:
I believe it may please you to know that a number of investigations, including by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Armed Services Committee, have already been undertaken. As you know, the incident was also investigated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Central Intelligence Agency. As such, I do not believe that, at this time, Congress has any intention to initiate another investigation into the matter.
This from a Member of Congress who was formerly on the House Armed Services Committee, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Ruppersberger.
Should be. But I suspect not.
How can he make up for it? He could contact the Congressional Research Service and ask them the simple question, “Has the US government ever conducted an investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty?”
The response he will receive is a resounding, “No!”
Which is why he won’t show the respect to a USS Liberty survivor let alone a military veteran and a constituent and simply ask the question.
That’s how Members of Congress honor the sacrifice of 34 Americans who were killed in action while serving honorably in the service of our country.
They lie about them.
Right, Dutch?