Jewish Virtual Library Perpetuates Myth About USS Liberty Attack
by Joe Meadors

Myth Synonyms: delusion, error, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, hallucination, illusion, misbelief, misconception, old wives’ tale, untruth.

Fact Synonyms: actuality, case, materiality, reality.

USS Liberty Entry in Myths & Facts Copyright © American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) Inc., 2017 Used Under Provisions of fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws.

USS Liberty Entry in Myths & Facts Copyright © American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) Inc., 2017 Used Under Provisions of fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws.


The Jewish Virtual Library publishes Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israel Conflict describing it as “The most comprehensive and informative book explaining the intracacies [sic] of the Arab-Israeli Conflict throughout history.”

Dr. Mitchell G. Bard, Founder and Executive Director of The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise who wrote the screed goes to extensive lengths to try to prove that the attack on the USS Liberty was not the premeditated, deliberate and illegal attack that we know it was.

All to no avail.

He has an entire page of “investigations” of the “incident” but nowhere does he tell you that none of the reports was prepared following an investigation of the attack.

Why does he omit such a relevant fact?

Simple.  He wants you to believe the US government has investigated the attack.

It has not.

Do what Dr. Bard is afraid to do himself and hopes you don’t.

Prove it from an official US government source – the Congressional Research Service.

Requests to the Congressional Research Service must be initiated by a Member of Congress so you’ll have to go through your Congressional Delegation to contact them.

We’ve taken the effort out of the process and automated it for you.  All you have to do is to CLICK HERE and send the email we’ve prepared.

Then share this post with anyone you feel may be interested in helping us in our effort to ensure the truth about the USS Liberty attack is finally known to the American people.